Leitz Wetzlar LED Microscope Lights

Replacement Leitz Wetzlar LED microscope lights (illuminators) are designed and manufactured by Nanodyne in Minneapolis, MN USA. All of our lights (or illuminators) are supplied complete with the required power supply and have full 0-100% intensity control built in, not an add-on like many of our competitors. They provide a brighter, whiter light than the originals with far lower power consumption.

Rather than fail suddenly like the original halogen bulbs they replace, LEDs typically degrade very gradually in brightness over a very long operating life. Our designs operate the LEDs at conservative power levels and provide ample heat sinking so that the typical expected time to 80% of the initial brightness is between 50,000 and 100,000 Hrs when operated at full intensity. We back this up with a full 3 year warranty.

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